Stud Service Policies & Pricing

Health Testing

Copies of bitch’s health testing, OFA & OFE, & pedigree must all be submitted before shipping semen. Bitch must have minimum of fair hip score, normal elbows, & complete genetic panel. We also require a signed contract BEFORE semen shipment.

Progesterone Testing

Bitch owner is required to utilize strict progesterone testing to determine fertile window for semen shipment. If you have never progesterone tested before, we HIGHLY suggest using a veterinarian who is knowledgable and experienced in reproductive medicine. All females are different and reach their peak window at different times. If this is your first time utilizing progesterone testing, we suggest you start testing on the first day of the heat cycle, and repeat testing will be done throughout the next week. Bitch owner will also be responsible for all fees associated with shipment. This will include cooler box, semen extender, and UPS/Fed ex fees. If doing a vaginal AI and requesting a double shipment, bitch owner will be responsible for payment of both shipments before shipment is completed. Our portion of the AKC stud paperwork will not be completed until payment has been received. We do a lot of repro work ourselves, including in house progesterone testing for our girls. Please do not hesitate to ask for advice surrounding progesterone and AI breedings.


Nico Stud Fee $2000

Clay Stud Fee $2000

Berlin Stud Fee $2000

Andy Stud Fee $2000

Half of the stud fee along with shipping costs is due up front before semen shipment with stud contract. The remaining balance will be due 30 days after breeding has taken place with a confirmed pregnancy. We are not responsible for any veterinary bills obtained by the bitch dog owner as a result of the bitch’s breeding. ALL puppies must be sold on a limited registration basis.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Contact Info

Located in Whigham, GA
(352) 302-8614 Courtney Carnahan